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Friday: 7:00am to 3:00pm

 In Dental Care

According to the Canadian Health Measures Survey, 34% of Canadians need some dental work. Much of that work involves ways to improve their smiles — repairing cracked teeth or replacing missing ones. 

In that same survey, some 12 percent of Canadians reported pain or avoided certain foods because of dental problems. That’s where an aesthetic dentist can help.

This type of dentist looks to restore the natural look of your teeth and the way they work in your mouth. Aesthetic dentistry is very much in-line with the Estrabillo Dental Group.

In the following post, we’ll take a look at aesthetic dentistry, how it differs from cosmetic dentistry and some procedures that fall under the aesthetic dentistry umbrella.

Cosmetic vs. Aesthetic Dentistry?

The very definition of the word aesthetic means “concerned with beauty.” But there’s no shame in wanting a beautiful smile. A natural smile is a self-confidence booster, makes you more attractive, and signifies good overall health. 

But aesthetic dentistry is not quite the same as cosmetic dentistry. 

Cosmetic dentistry is a higher level of oral care. Sometimes done for personal reasons rather than oral health. And there’s nothing wrong with that! We have so many clients that want movie-star white teeth and a straighter smile.

Aesthetic dentistry is different than cosmetic in that it aims to mimic the smile’s natural appearance more accurately.

What Work Does an Aesthetic Dentist Do? 

A perfect smile, as many believe, is not the primary focus of aesthetic dentistry. We believe that a beautiful smile is the result of good overall oral health and a dentist can help achieve that.

Aesthetic dentistry utilizes a number of techniques to create a natural, beautiful smile. It looks to repair or replace crooked, cracked, or stained teeth through a number of techniques, including: 

A Brighter, Straighter Smile 

Let’s delve a little deeper into two of the above list: dental bonding and teeth whitening. 

The Estrabillo Dental Group in Ancaster offers a number of different teeth whitening techniques. Teeth become discolored over time due to food and beverages, like tea and coffee. Improper oral care, cigarettes, and other tobacco products can also darken teeth.

While over-the-counter products promise brighter teeth, it’s really best to get a whitening evaluation from one of our dentists. One of our more common procedures is the application of a hydrogen-peroxide gel-activated solution.

Dental bonding is another great tool in aesthetic dentistry. This is where a dentist repairs a cracked tooth with a specially prepared resin. The resin matches your natural tooth color and helps even out gaps in your teeth and correct your smile. 

Great Oral Care

Here at the Estrabillo Dental Group, we know how important a natural smile is to our patients. One of the most satisfying outcomes is the joy our Ancaster patients express after they see their rejuvenated smile in the mirror for the first time.

That’s why we take great pride in offering the most up-to-date and extensive care that an aesthetic dentist can provide.

Are you interested in restoring the natural brilliance of your smile? Please contact us to schedule an appointment or a whitening assessment today.  

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