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 In Dental Care

If your doctor has told you that you’re going to need a root canal you likely have many fears and questions. Being nervous about the procedure is perfectly natural given the bad reputation root canals have gotten over the years. 

We can help you put these fears at ease by answering your most pressing questions including “do root canals hurt?” Get comfortable and keep reading to learn more. 

What is a Root Canal? 

A root canal is a typical dental procedure done to remove the nerve and pulp of a tooth. During the procedure, the pulp and nerve are removed and the inside of the canal is cleaned and then sealed.  Neither the pulp, which is the soft tissue surrounding the blood vessels and the nerve or the nerve itself are vital for a tooth to function properly.

This procedure is often recommended if your tooth is in danger of becoming infected and forming abscesses among other symptoms. Infections and abscesses are especially dangerous to your health, so its best to get it done as soon as possible. 

Do Root Canals Hurt?

The burning question everyone wants to know. A root canal doesn’t hurt any more than getting a filling. Before your doctor begins the procedure they will numb the tooth and the area around your tooth with local anaesthesia. This will keep the majority of procedural pain to little to none.

However, you may experience some slight discomfort after the procedure. This can be easily managed with over the counter pain medication. Just be sure to ask your doctor if there are any particular medications to avoid during recovery. 

How Long Does a Root Canal Take?

We’ve all heard the age-old story of root canals taking all day. But thankfully with today’s technology, this isn’t true.

These days root canal procedures typically last from 30-60 minutes. However, if its a more complex tooth the procedure may be a bit more complicated and can take up to 90 minutes. 

After the Procedure

After your root canal, there are a few things you need to do to make sure your tooth stays healthy while you’re recovering from the procedure. For example, your dentist may recommend a crown be put on the tooth after the root canal is done. This will help make sure your tooth stays strong and healthy. 

You will also need to make sure you are brushing your teeth at least twice a day. Typically in the morning after breakfast, and at night before bed. You should also make sure you are flossing at least once per day. 

By doing these few things you can ensure your tooth stays healthy for the rest of your life. 

Learn More With Us

So do root canals hurt? For the most part no. 

We hope this article has put some of your root canal fears to rest. If your ready to schedule your procedure today reach out to us here to schedule your appointment. Don’t forget to check out our other great articles on our blog for all your dental related questions. 

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