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 In Dental Care

Canada has well over 100,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19, but the country has been re-opening.

However, as businesses begin to open up, people are wary about returning to normal.

If you have missed your dentist appointments due to lockdown and wonder if it’s safe, you are not alone. Until you’re ready to schedule your appointments, check out these top dentist options. 

Don’t Skip the Brushing

The best way to take care of your teeth during quarantine is by brushing. While you’re adjusting to a new routine, it can be easy to forget about your dental routine. 

When you spend more time at home, chances are you are snacking more than you used to, which means more food gets trapped in your teeth. 

During quarantine, it’s essential you continue to brush your teeth at least twice a day. Brushing your teeth twice a day will keep your breath fresh and prevent damage to your teeth.

Excess tartar can build up in your teeth if you don’t have a proper brushing routine. Tartar is a type of plaque that calcifies in your teeth. If you have excess tartar, it will create discolouration, trap stains, and harmful bacteria. 

Brushing your teeth also helps you prevent gum disease, which is an infection that damages the tissues that surround your teeth. 

Gum disease can eat away your gums and cause painful sores and sensitive teeth. 

Flossing is Important

For most people, flossing is not their priority because it’s uncomfortable. In fact, only 43 percent of people floss every day. As we mentioned before, during quarantine, people tend to snack a lot more, which means more trapped food. 

Flossing is important to prevent bath breath. Without flossing, food will get trapped between your teeth growing odour-causing bacteria. 

You also need flossing to help prevent gum disease. While brushing will clean the surface of your teeth, flossing gets in the hard to reach spaces. 

Many people don’t know that by flossing, they’re preventing damage to their overall health. Gum disease left untreated can lead to several problems such as heart disease, strokes, and bleeding gums. 

Drink More Water

Drinking enough water every day is great for your overall health, but it can also keep your teeth healthy. 

Water will keep your mouth hydrated, and it will also increase saliva production. Drinking more water also helps you flush harmful bacteria from your mouth. 

Watch Your Diet

What you eat has the most impact on your teeth. Eating too much sugar, candy, alcohol, soda, and ice can cause damage to your teeth.

Rather than eating foods that will cause cavities, you should eat foods that boost your immune system. 

You can still eat them in moderation while you don’t have to give up these foods completely. 

These Are the Top Dentist Options During Quarantine

Now that you know about these top dentist options after lockdown, it’s time you take care of your teeth. Start by brushing your teeth twice a day, keep flossing, and drink more water. 

If you’re ready for your first appointment after quarantine, contact us to schedule your appointment. 

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