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 In Dental Care

Periodontal disease, more commonly known as gum disease, is a serious type of gum infection caused by bacteria that damages the soft tissue and teeth. Untreated periodontal disease could lead to receding gums and tooth loss. 

It could be an indicator of more significant health problems such as diabetes, immune disorders, hormonal problems, or nutritional deficiencies. 

There are multiple stages to periodontal disease. Here are some of the signs of gum disease and how to notice them. 

What Are the Signs of Periodontal Disease? 

Gum disease needs to be diagnosed and treated by a dentist. These are symptoms of periodontal disease; if you experience any of these, it’s time to schedule an appointment. 

  • Persistent bad breath 
  • Tooth and gum sensitivity
  • Receding gums 
  • Inflammed, tender, red or bleeding gums 
  • Pain when chewing 
  • Loose or shifting teeth

What Are the Stages of Periodontal Disease? 

There are multiple stages of periodontal disease. The earlier it is detected, the better.

Stage One: Gingivitis 

The first stage of periodontal disease, gingivitis, is inflammation caused by the buildup of plaque along the gums. Daily brushing, flossing, regular cleanings and other good dental hygiene habits are necessary to remove the plaque. Plaque buildup releases toxic bacteria that irritates the gums and causes inflammation. 

In these early stages, you may notice gingivitis if your gums bleed when you brush or floss. The effects of gingivitis can be reversed. We typically recommend patients with periodontal disease come for a checkup every 3 to 4 months. 

Stage Two: Early Periodontal Disease 

In this stage, the recession of the gums starts and small pockets form between your teeth and your gums. These pockets contain hostile bacteria. Bleeding during brushing and flossing as well as possible bone loss are present at this stage. 

Stage Three: Moderate Periodontal Disease

When periodontal disease is left untreated and it reaches this stage, you’ll likely experience gum recession, bleeding and soreness. The health of your bone and connective tissue will suffer and your teeth will become loose. Treatment for gum disease is more difficult at this stage, as some irreversible damage has happened. 

Stage Four: Advanced Periodontal Disease 

This is the final stage of gum disease. The connective tissues and in the gums have deteriorated beyond repair and tooth loss or shifting teeth is common. Quality of life can suffer if the periodontal disease goes untreated, especially when it advances to this stage.

It is imperative to speak to a dentist and learn about your treatment options.

How Periodontal Disease Is Treated

Since periodontal disease can lead to bigger issues if left untreated, it’s important to treat the cause, not just the symptoms.

Our goal is to help you make positive decisions about your oral care and prevent any more problems in the future. Periodontal disease is treatable and with early intervention it is reversible.

Schedule an Appointment Today

Periodontal disease is a serious threat to your oral health. However, it is treatable. If you are worried you may be experiencing the symptoms of periodontal disease, contact our dental team today to schedule an appointment. 

We can provide you with a long-term treatment plan and get you your smile back. 

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