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 In Dental Care

Around 80 percent of Canadians have dentists, but there’s still nearly 20 percent who don’t. Learning about cavities now will help you avoid serious pain later on.

The tooth decay process is the result of an infection that causes cavities. It could be affecting you right now, but you might not know it.

You deserve to have a smile that makes you feel confident. Furthermore, you deserve to have healthy, strong teeth. Neither of those things will happen if you have a cavity.

Here’s what you need to know about cavities:

Cavities and Tooth Decay 101

What is a cavity? A cavity is a hole in your teeth caused by tooth decay. Plaque forming from leftover sugar and food getting stuck between/on teeth starts the decay.

What does a cavity look like? Cavities are holes that vary in size and although they’re not always visible, they’re still capable of causing significant damage.

Tooth decay starts with the loss of minerals (demineralization) in your enamel. Demineralization eats into the enamel, but further decay eats away at the internal layer of a tooth called dentin.

The severity of a tooth cavity depends on what stage of tooth decay a tooth is currently in. If the cavity gets severe enough, it becomes a root canal.


Inadequate brushing and oral hygiene are the most common culprits of tooth decay. This includes neglecting to floss your teeth.

Starch and sugar-heavy foods cause plaque to form on teeth. Drinking sugar or acidic drinks like fruit juice, soda, and alcohol also contributes to plaque formation. Frequently snacking also makes it worse.

The acid in your stomach bile is enough to further tooth decay. That’s why eating disorders and heartburn are risk factors.


Out of all cavity symptoms, tooth pain is the most common complaint. A cavity still hurts if it’s on your enamel, but dentin closely communicates with your nerves, the so pain is excruciating.

It’s common to feel pain when biting down. There are also feelings of pressure, sensitivity, or pain when consuming hot or cold foods. The same applies to sugary foods.

Tooth decay starts off as white stains. If left untreated, these stains gradually become a darker shade of brown or black.

Toothache remedies help you temporarily alleviate the pain. However, that doesn’t count as the following:


Brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss once daily. This prevents plaque from forming in the first place.

Dentists fix cavities and root canals with fillings. At Estrabillo Dental Group, we inject patients with a local anesthetic for maximum comfort.

Estrabillo Dental Group also offers crowns and bridges. A crown is a cap for your tooth while a bridge helps when there’s more than one missing tooth in a row.

Most importantly, commit to seeing a dentist for regular cleanings and checkups. Only a dentist can diagnose/treat cavities, so it’s one of the best ways to prevent cavities.

Show Off Your Smile and Feel Better Than Ever

Tooth decay impacts 44% of the global population. If you’re not careful, cavities could creep up on your faster than you think.

Globally speaking, almost 100% of adults have some degree of tooth decay. You’re better off seeing a professional before it gets worse.

Start smiling again—learn more about our general treatments. Your teeth will thank you for it.

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