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 In Dental Care

success rate of 98% and the natural look of any other tooth, dental implants are the perfect route for any damage or replacement.

With a dental implant, a piece of titanium is screwed into the jaw bone and serves as the root of the tooth. Once this is in place a crown is attached, now it feels and looks like a normal tooth.

If well cared for a dental implant is able to last an entire lifetime. Explore even more of the countless dental implants benefits below.

Behave Like Natural

This means that even with an implant being used you are returning your mouth to a close to the natural state. All parts of the tooth are being replaced, from the root up. The whole presentation will be natural and no one would know unless you tell them.

You will be able to brush, floss, and eat all with the natural flow. There is no need for the maintenance of dentures or the adhesive of those as well. They are as natural as an addition as possible.

Keep Other Teeth Healthy

Other methods often force a dentist to modify surrounding teeth that could very well be healthy. This means there is collateral damage! Using an implant only modifies that particular spot.

Using partial dentures require clasps that clip on to surrounding teeth, putting pressure on to those teeth. This can potentially damage those teeth or wear away at the gum tissue.

Prevention of Bone Loss

Implants provide stimulation where an empty gap otherwise would be. Bone loss can be up to 25% in the first year of losing a tooth and continue as years progress.

With the implant serving like a tooth normally would be chewing and operation are restored to how they usually work. That stimulation helps with natural bone growth and promotes health within the mouth.

Additionally, when dentures come loose they can rub against the areas they treat, wearing away at the bone. This adds to the bone loss already present.

Permanence of treatment

Something like a bridge is not a permanent solution and will eventually need to be replaced. A dental implant can be a lifetime solution! 98% rate of success at that.

Because of the material, titanium, and how the implant is integrated into the bone surrounding it a dental implant can last for a lifetime. As long as it is cared for properly there will be no need for replacement.

The materials used are bio-compatible and there will be no problems as long as it is cared for.

Appearance and Self Esteem

Outside of the medical improvements you just look better and with that, a boost of self-esteem comes. No one is going to complain about that! It is also a preventative measure.

As bone loss may occur, the structure of the face can occur. There may be excessive wrinkles, thinning lips, a more pointed chin, among other changes. These changes can make a huge change to one’s self-esteem.

But an implant can prevent a huge majority, if not all, of these changes from occurring.

There is an impact on speech at times with other treatments which could lead to an impact on self-esteem too.

Benefitting From Dental Implants Benefits

On both the medical and personal sides of things, there is a great deal on dental implants benefits. The procedures can and will make an incredible difference in the life of those that need them.

When it is time to get that procedure done, to improve that quality of life, see what Estrabillo Dental Group can do for your implant needs.

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